Blueprint for Customer Experience Improvement and Management Workshop
The Goal of Customer Experience Improvement is to consistently meet or exceed customer expectations by providing quality service and customer experience that is faster, more responsive and more professional in order to be the best in the service industry that your organisation operates.
This workshop is an intensive 5-day workshop focusing on providing a step by step guide to developing the blueprint for a successful set up and reinforcement of a service quality and sound customer experience culture in your organisation. The workshop will also discuss on the factors that organisations must consider to implement and changes to be made to set and meet a focused strategic direction to fulfilling customer needs.
With the fast changes in the economies, organisations may be unprepared for the service demands of customers. Even though organisations promise customer satisfaction, internal policies and inefficient methods are at times allowed to frustrate ability to deliver the needs to the customers. Customer experience continues to evolve and the application of the blueprint allows for a Customer Journey Optimisation and Customer Service Transformation.
Attendees will benefit and learn to:
• Implement the step by step guide of the blueprint and apply the systematic approach to successfully implement and manage the service quality or customer experience process
• How to determine customers’ expectations, finding out how well customer expectations are met, and causes for service gaps
• Generate possible solutions and how to put the solutions into actions
• Evaluate service actions implemented and how to measure improvement in service quality and customer satisfaction
• Set up and design required tools and understand factors to consider in setting up and designing the tools
• Have a better understanding and importance of having a Vision, Service Standards, Customer Surveys, People Management and Development, Communication and Performance Tracking.
• Address work and process improvement and how to manage end-to-end customer service delivery, including customer complaints handling
• Apply the blueprint to the current state of the organisation in order to make the improvements required
Mode of Workshop:
• Visual and Video Presentation
• Individual, Group Work and Presentations
• Application and Practise Activities with feedback sessions
• Sharing of Best Practices
Primarily for : Officers, Managers and Executives in the Customer Service Functions, Product Development and Marketing
Prerequisite : Pre Course and Post Course Work required
Duration of course : 5 days
# Can be customised to meet the organisation’s requirement