According to research findings, a typical business hears only 4% to 5% of its dissatisfied customers. The remaining will just quietly go away or move to the other service providers. The crucial point comes when there is a problem and customers will closely assess the organisation and its service. Many organisations now set relevant targets relating to customer complaints. Therefore, it is important that the complaints received are properly and quickly dealt with to prevent further complaints or losses.
Not only are complaints properly handled, they also provide opportunities for the organisation to make improvements, strengthen customer loyalty and provide a second chance to provide satisfaction and better customer experience to their customers.
This 4-day workshop will help organisation to implement and put in place an end-to-end and robust complaint handling and management process. Industry practices will be shared to help bring in all the factors and elements needed to make the customers stay with the organisation.
Attendees will benefit and learn to:
• Understand the different types of Customer Comments and how to categorise them
• Understand the importance of having a proper Customer Complaint Handling and Management process in place
• Factor in all the requirements needed to have an end-to-end and robust complaint handling and management process
• Setup and design a robust complaint handling and management process or add in missing components to existing complaint handling process
• Establish a proper complaint handling procedure
• Implement tools to identify the root cause of complaints and monitor corrective actions
Mode of Training:
• Visual Presentation
• Individual, Group Work and Presentations
• Application and Practise Activities with feedback sessions
• Sharing of Best Practices
Primarily for : Officers, Managers and Executives in the Customer Service Functions
Prerequisite : Pre Course and Post Course Work required
Duration of course : 4 days
# Can be customised to meet the organisation’s requirement