Course Overview
Organisations can improve performance, productivity and profitability by communicating effectively and timely because good communication clarifies tasks and objectives, fosters teamwork and synergy and cultivates success. However, effective communication takes effort on the part of the organisation and its entire people force. Organisations must determine what they want to communicate and how to communicate them correctly and effectively. Organisations must also assess and review the impact and put in place strategies to improve the effectiveness of workplace communication.
This 2-day workshop will be helpful to line managers, executives, officers and supervisors responsible for managing communication within their teams, across functions/ other teams and the organisation. It focuses on specific Workplace Communication strategies to help manage and improve communication within the organization in order to deliver results and business objectives.
This workshop is also helpful in providing communication skills and self realisation to individuals wishing to develop their interpersonal skills and build rapport with others through effective communication process. The workshop also covers effective communication strategies to enhance understanding and verbal communication with others.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this Communication Development course, Attendees will benefit and learn to:
• Recognise and appreciate the different levels of communication within an organisation
• Understand and appreciate the different styles of communication and how to improve understanding and build rapport with others
• Understand and apply self realisation on the different methods of workplace communication
• Apply the relevant toolkits and methods to help with making workplace communication more effective
• Understand the role of non-verbal communication gestures in effective communication
• Communicate messages in an effective and engaging way to the listeners or recipient of the information
• Effectively communicate effortlessly

The workshop will be supported with:
• A colour printed visual presentation slides and space for personal notes
• Relevant Individual Work Exercise, Group Work Exercise and Participants’ Presentations
• Communication enhancement activities with facilitated group/ individual review and feedback sessions
• Sharing of Best Practices by our Consultant from actual work application

The workshop will benefit the followings:
• Supervisors, Officers and Managers who has subordinates to lead and manage
• Supervisors, Officers and Managers who are responsible for communication and managing cross functional communication in their organization
• Individuals who are keen to sharpen their communication skills

Duration of the Course: 2 days