Bridges Training Solution Facilitators are skilled and experienced in consulting, coaching, facilitative training, listening, and advising. We may use any or all of these approaches, depending on the client’s needs. After working to understand your business and the results you want to accomplish, we will design, with you, a customised plan of action that provides the ‘optimal fit’ for your organisation. The finalised plan can either be a series of training and workshop programmes, dedicated consultancy work based at your organisation or a combination of both.
Where training or workshop is required, we use structured experiences or team exercises as the starting point for learning. Participants experience firsthand what gets in the way of group effectiveness, and what works; what turns others off and inhibits team results and what inspires others to act positively and take ownership for their actions.
Through group discussion and reflection, participants discover the beliefs and attitudes behind their own “natural” ways of acting. They then determine the personal changes that will not only serve them better as leaders, but will also produce greater accountability, team effectiveness, commitment and results. They choose the changes that are most meaningful to them and act on them.
The same process – experience, reflection, insight, discussion, choice and application – lies at the heart of follow up activities such as individual and team coaching. This serves to reinforce the learning and its use in the workplace.
h dedicated Consultancy work is required, we use a structured approach of understanding “where the organisation is now” and “where the organisation wants to be”. This will involve meetings and discussions with key stakeholders to understand the organisation’s current situation and its new directions and objectives.
We will then conduct the required and necessary analysis of the of the organisation’s current and future state and based on the outcome of the analysis, make recommendation on the solutions or actions to be taken to address the service or process gaps identified from the analysis, answering the question of “how the organisation can get to where it wants to be”.
We will also look at the organisation’s business processes and challenges through a “customer lens” and point of views so the recommended solutions that we design and provide will have direct impacts on the business processes and customer experience.
The recommended solutions provided will also be based on professional work experiences of our specialists having held several senior management positions and working in a multicultural environment; models and tools that are proven to work; best practices; sound understanding of customer behaviours and known changes made in the service industry market.
Depending on the needs of the organisation, the types of consultancy work provided will vary, such as:
Dedicated working hours with the keystakeholders of the organisation from conception, implementation and monitoring
Process review and enhancement
Dedicated workshops focusing on specific key area for development
Consultancy Advise Work
Facilitate and manage Customer Focus Groups
Conduct independent service performance measures, such as mystery shopping and service observations
Modular Consultancy Work on identified areas for improvement measures, such as mystery shopping and service observations
Modular Consultancy Work on identified areas for improvement
Some of our recommended solutions will require both consultancy work and training in order for your organisation to meet its objectives. This will occur when the organisation requests it or when along the process of executing the consultancy work, required training and workshops are identified to help your organisation achieve its goals and be able to sustain them. These training and workshop solutions will be presented to your management for consideration.
The organisation can benefit from such an arrangement as Bridges Training Solutions is providing a more holistic approach by identifying what the issues are and how to get there supported by the required training and workshop to ensure the effectiveness of the solutions being implemented. It also provides for a more customised content relevant to your organisation.
“Success flows from teamwork. Coming together is a beginning, working together produces progress, pulling together as one yields success”
– Anonymous
It takes leaders who are willing to learn and change to create the culture for a high performance organisation. By participating in the experience-based learning process, leaders learn how to open themselves up to change and new ways of dealing with challenges. They realise the values of honest conversation with managers, co-workers, customers and suppliers – talking with them face-to-face or in small groups and sharing ideas on how to get results and realise the organisation’s vision for the future.
The dialogue leads to mutual respect and collaboration throughout the organisation. Relationship among employees and between employees and customers improve. People communicate more freely. And positive and constructive feedback occurs more readily. Because people realise they are important to the success of the organisation, they experience more joy, fulfillment, and commitment to work. They are inspired to learn new skills, try new approaches and accept change. They offer suggestions and create solutions to persistent problems without fear of accomplishments, and accept personal responsibility for their actions.
As a result of this new spirit of cooperation and goodwill, absenteeism is reduced and productivity increases. Customers, stakeholders, and vendors will notice positive differences and regard the company as a successful organisation that produces results rather than excuses.
We want you to work with us so your organisation will become a high performing organisation.
“If you always put limit on everything you do,
it will spread into your work & life”
– Bruce Lee
Our goals are to help organisation enhance its people’s skills and performance and improve end-to-end work processes and service delivery in order to differentiate itself from its competitors, improve its brand image and overall customer satisfaction and customer experience.
So, if and when your organisation is not functioning as efficiently as you know it could;
many of the policies and processes you implemented failed to produce the results you desire;
your organisation is receiving negative feedback from your customers, vendors etc;
the questions that trouble you seemed to have no answers...
Contact Bridges Training Solutions
for a consultation today.