For Peak Performance
At Bridges Training Solutions, we help organisations improve business performance and realise its potential to deliver excellent customer serviceHAVE YOU EVER ASKED YOURSELF ?
Why is it so hard for our employees to accept change?
Is there a way to get everyone to function as a team and stop blaming others when things go wrong?
How can I predict whether a new idea is going to work?
People don’t sem to be enthusiastic about their jobs. What can I do to motivate them?
You’re not alone. Many top executives believe they’re doing everything right, yet their companies fail to achieve the performance levels they desire. That’s because in today’s business world, the traditional ways don’t always work.
Leadership & Management Program
Sales & Service Training
Customer Experience Management Program
Customer Experience Management Consultancy
People Development
Team Building Facilitation
Our consulting, facilitation and training services provides ability for organisations to enhance and/or resolve business challenges, up-skill and develop their people and identify changes needed to move the organisation forward and long-term sustainability for our clients.
Working closely with you, we examine three aspects of how your business functions: clarity of your company’s vision and mission, work tasks and processes, and relationships amongst people. We take a holistic view of what is needed to transform work cultures. We will also look at “where your organisation is now” and “where your organisation wants to be”, which will help us provide extensive solutions for “how your organisation will get there”.
“Building a good Customer Experience does not happen by accident.
It happens by design.”
– Clare Muscutt
Bridges Training Solution Facilitators are skilled and experienced in consulting, coaching, facilitative training, listening, and advising. We may use any or all of these approaches, depending on the client’s needs. After working to understand your business and the results you want to accomplish, we will design, with you, a customised plan of action that provides the ‘optimal fit’ for your organisation. The finalised plan can either be a series of training and workshop programmes, dedicated consultancy work based at your organisation or a combination of both.
Where training or workshop is required, we use structured experiences or team exercises as the starting point for learning. Participants experience firsthand what gets in the way of group effectiveness, and what works; what turns others off and inhibits team results and what inspires others to act positively and take ownership for their actions.
Where dedicated Consultancy work is required, we use a structured approach of understanding “where the organisation is now” and “where the organisation wants to be”. This will involve meetings and discussions with key stakeholders to understand the organisation’s current situation and its new directions and objectives.
Some of our recommended solutions will require both consultancy work and training in order for your organisation to meet its objectives. This will occur when the organisation requests it or when along the process of executing the consultancy work, required training and workshops are identified to help your organisation achieve its goals and be able to sustain them. These training and workshop solutions will be presented to your management for consideration.
Our goals are to help organisation enhance its people’s skills and performance and improve end-to-end work processes and service delivery in order to differentiate itself from its competitors, improve its brand image and overall customer satisfaction and customer experience.
So, if and when your organisation is not functioning as efficiently as you know it could;
many of the policies and processes you implemented failed to produce the results you desire;
your organisation is receiving negative feedback from your customers, vendors etc;
the questions that trouble you seemed to have no answers...
Contact Bridges Training Solutions
for a consultation today.